nabla | Contains matrix and vector template classes and related stuff |
  dummy | Contains dummy entities |
   operation | Unary "no op" operator |
  op | Contains scalar operations |
   add | Binary addition operator |
   conj | Unary conjugate operation |
   div | Binary division operator |
   minus | Unary minus operator |
   mul | Binary multiplication operator |
   plus | Unary plus operator |
   sub | Binary subtraction operator |
  orientation | Contains definitions for vector orientation types |
   column | Column vector orientation |
   row | Row vector orientation |
   undefined | Undefined orientation of vector |
  tag | Contains expression tags |
   expression | Expression tag |
   reference | Reference tag |
   storage | Storage tag |
  util | |
   pair_const_ref | Pair of references |
   reshape_return< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, rectangular, side > | Defines reshape() return type |
   reshape_return< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, target_shape, side > | Defines reshape() return type |
  access_error | Access error |
  base_column_iterator | Base type for column iterators |
  base_matrix_expression | Base matrix expression template class |
  base_matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, rectangular > | Base matrix expression template class partial specialization |
  base_row_iterator | Base type for row iterators |
  base_vector_iterator | Base type for vector iterators |
  binary | Binary expression template class |
  binary< vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op > | Binary expression template class specialization |
  column_const_iterator | Iterator type for iterating over a column of a matrix |
   type | Iterator type |
  column_iterator | Iterator type for iterating over a column of a matrix |
   type | Iterator type |
  column_wrapper | Column vector wrapper template class |
  const_iterator | Iterator type for iterating over a vector |
   type | Iterator type |
  const_iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::column > > | Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix |
  const_iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::row > > | Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix |
  constrained_index | Constrained index |
  expr_traits | Expression traits template class |
  expr_traits< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > > | Expression traits template class partial specialization |
  expr_traits< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, shape_t > > | Expression traits template class partial specialization |
  expr_traits< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, orientation_t > > | Expression traits template class partial specialization |
  iterator | Iterator type for iterating over a vector |
   type | Iterator type |
  iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::column > > | Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix |
  iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::row > > | Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix |
  lower_triangular | Lower triangle shape of matrix |
  matrix | Square matrix template class |
  matrix< value_t, rectangular > | General matrix template class |
  matrix_expression | Matrix expression template class |
  product | Matrix product template class |
  product< expression1, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > > | Matrix product template class partial specialization |
  rectangular | General shape of matrix |
  reshape_constraint | Constraints for reshape operation template class |
  reshape_constraint< rectangular > | Constraints for reshape operation template class specialization |
  reshape_error | Reshape exception class |
  reshaped | Reshaped matrix expression template class |
  reshaped< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, target_shape, lower_triangular > | Partial specialization of reshaped |
  reshaped< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, target_shape, upper_triangular > | Partial specialization of reshaped |
  row_const_iterator | Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix |
   type | Iterator type |
  row_iterator | Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix |
   type | Iterator type |
  row_wrapper | Row vector wrapper template class |
  rvalue | Represents an "rvalue" |
  scaled | Scaled expression template class |
  scaled< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > > | Scaled expression template class partial specialization |
  shaped_expression | Shaped matrix expression template class |
  size_error | Argument size error |
  symmetric | Symmetric shape of matrix |
  temporary | Temporary object template class |
  traits | Type traits class |
  transposed | Transposition expression template class |
  unary | Unary expression template class |
  unary< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, op > | Unary expression template class specialization |
  upper_triangular | Upper triangle shape of matrix |
  vector | Vector template class |
  vector_expression | Vector expression template class |
  vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation::column > | Vector expression template class specialization |
  vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation::row > | Vector expression template class specialization |
  vector_ref< expression_type, tag::expression< complexity >, orientation::column > | Constant column reference template class partial specialization |
  vector_ref< expression_type, tag::expression< complexity >, orientation::row > | Constant row reference template class partial specialization |
  vector_ref< expression_type, tag::reference, orientation::column > | Column reference template class partial specialization |
  vector_ref< expression_type, tag::reference, orientation::row > | Row reference template class partial specialization |