NABLA  Nabla Ain't Basic Linear Algebra
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
oCaccess_errorAccess error
oCadd< type1, type2 >Binary addition operator
oCbase_column_iterator< iterator_type >Base type for column iterators
oCbase_column_iterator< type >
oCbase_row_iterator< iterator_type >Base type for row iterators
oCbase_row_iterator< type >
oCbase_vector_iterator< iterator_type >Base type for vector iterators
oCbase_vector_iterator< type >
oCcolumnColumn vector orientation
oCcolumn_const_iterator< t >Iterator type for iterating over a column of a matrix
oCcolumn_iterator< t >Iterator type for iterating over a column of a matrix
oCconj< type >Unary conjugate operation
oCconst_iterator< t >Iterator type for iterating over a vector
oCconst_iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::column > >Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
oCconst_iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::row > >Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
oCconstrained_indexConstrained index
oCdiv< type1, type2 >Binary division operator
oCexpr_traitsExpression traits template class
oCexpr_traits< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > >Expression traits template class partial specialization
oCexpr_traits< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, shape_t > >Expression traits template class partial specialization
oCexpr_traits< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, orientation_t > >Expression traits template class partial specialization
oCexpression< complexity >Expression tag
oCiterator< t >Iterator type for iterating over a vector
oCiterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::column > >Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
oCiterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::row > >Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
oClower_triangularLower triangle shape of matrix
oCmatrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >Matrix expression template class
oCmatrix_expression< expr_t::value_type, reshaped< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, target_shape, lower_triangular >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< expr_t::value_type, reshaped< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, target_shape, upper_triangular >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< expr_traits< expression_type >::type::value_type, scaled< expression_type >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< expr_traits< expression_type >::type::value_type, transposed< expression_type, op >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< expr_traits< expression_type >::type::value_type, unary< expression_type, op >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< util::same_types< expr_traits< expression1 >::value_type, expr_traits< expression2 >::value_type >::type, binary< expression1, expression2, op >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< util::same_types< expr_traits< expression1 >::value_type, expr_traits< expression2 >::value_type >::type, product< expression1, expression2 >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< value_t, column_wrapper< value_t, expr_t, tag >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< value_t, column_wrapper< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag_t >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag_t >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< value_t, matrix< value_t, rectangular >, tag::storage >
oCmatrix_expression< value_t, matrix< value_t, shape >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag::storage >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< value_t, matrix< value_t, symmetric >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag::storage >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< value_t, row_wrapper< value_t, expr_t, tag >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag >::value > >
oCmatrix_expression< value_t, row_wrapper< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, tag::expression< util::tag_complexity< tag_t >::value > >
oCminus< type >Unary minus operator
oCmul< type1, type2 >Binary multiplication operator
oCoperation< type >Unary "no op" operator
oCpair_const_ref< expr1, expr2 >Pair of references
oCplus< type >Unary plus operator
oCrectangularGeneral shape of matrix
oCreferenceReference tag
oCreshape_constraint< target_shape >Constraints for reshape operation template class
oCreshape_constraint< rectangular >Constraints for reshape operation template class specialization
oCreshape_errorReshape exception class
oCreshape_return< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, rectangular, side >Defines reshape() return type
oCreshape_return< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, target_shape, side >Defines reshape() return type
oCreshapedReshaped matrix expression template class
oCrowRow vector orientation
oCrow_const_iterator< t >Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
oCrow_iterator< t >Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
oCrvalue< type >Represents an "rvalue"
oCsize_errorArgument size error
oCstorageStorage tag
oCsub< type1, type2 >Binary subtraction operator
oCsymmetricSymmetric shape of matrix
oCtemporary< type >Temporary object template class
oCtraits< type >Type traits class
oCcolumn_const_iterator< matrix< value_t, symmetric > >::typeIterator type
oCrow_const_iterator< matrix< value_t > >::typeIterator type
oCcolumn_const_iterator< matrix< value_t > >::typeIterator type
oCrow_const_iterator< matrix< value_t, symmetric > >::typeIterator type
oCcolumn_iterator< matrix< value_t > >::typeIterator type
oCrow_iterator< matrix< value_t > >::typeIterator type
oCcolumn_iterator< matrix< value_t, symmetric > >::typeIterator type
oCrow_iterator< matrix< value_t, symmetric > >::typeIterator type
oCundefinedUndefined orientation of vector
oCupper_triangularUpper triangle shape of matrix
oCvector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >Vector expression template class
oCvector_expression< expr_traits< expression_type >::value_type, vector_ref< expression_type, tag::expression< complexity >, orientation::column >, tag::expression< util::select< complexity, 1 >::max-1 >, orientation::column >
oCvector_expression< expr_traits< expression_type >::value_type, vector_ref< expression_type, tag::expression< complexity >, orientation::row >, tag::expression< util::select< complexity, 1 >::max-1 >, orientation::row >
oCvector_expression< expr_traits< expression_type >::value_type, vector_ref< expression_type, tag::reference, orientation::column >, tag::reference, orientation::column >
oCvector_expression< expr_traits< expression_type >::value_type, vector_ref< expression_type, tag::reference, orientation::row >, tag::reference, orientation::row >
oCvector_expression< util::same_types< expr_traits< expression1 >::value_type, value_t >::type, product< expression1, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > >, tag::expression< 2 >, util::vector_orientation< expr2 >::type >
oCvector_expression< value_t, binary< vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op >, tag::expression< util::select< util::tag_complexity< tag1 >::value, util::tag_complexity< tag2 >::value, 1 >::max >, util::orientations< util::vector_orientation< expr1 >::type, util::vector_orientation< expr2 >::type >::resulting_orientation >
oCvector_expression< value_t, scaled< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > >, tag::expression< util::select< util::tag_complexity< tag_t >::value, 2 >::max >, util::vector_orientation< expr_t >::type >
oCvector_expression< value_t, unary< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, op >, tag::expression< util::select< util::tag_complexity< tag_t >::value, 0 >::max >, util::vector_orientation< expr_t >::type >
\Cvector_expression< value_t, vector< value_t >, tag::storage, orientation::column >