NABLA  Nabla Ain't Basic Linear Algebra
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
\NnablaContains matrix and vector template classes and related stuff
 oNdummyContains dummy entities
 |\CoperationUnary "no op" operator
 oNopContains scalar operations
 |oCaddBinary addition operator
 |oCconjUnary conjugate operation
 |oCdivBinary division operator
 |oCminusUnary minus operator
 |oCmulBinary multiplication operator
 |oCplusUnary plus operator
 |\CsubBinary subtraction operator
 oNorientationContains definitions for vector orientation types
 |oCcolumnColumn vector orientation
 |oCrowRow vector orientation
 |\CundefinedUndefined orientation of vector
 oNtagContains expression tags
 |oCexpressionExpression tag
 |oCreferenceReference tag
 |\CstorageStorage tag
 |oCpair_const_refPair of references
 |oCreshape_return< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, rectangular, side >Defines reshape() return type
 |\Creshape_return< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, target_shape, side >Defines reshape() return type
 oCaccess_errorAccess error
 oCbase_column_iteratorBase type for column iterators
 oCbase_matrix_expressionBase matrix expression template class
 oCbase_matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, rectangular >Base matrix expression template class partial specialization
 oCbase_row_iteratorBase type for row iterators
 oCbase_vector_iteratorBase type for vector iterators
 oCbinaryBinary expression template class
 oCbinary< vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op >Binary expression template class specialization
 oCcolumn_const_iteratorIterator type for iterating over a column of a matrix
 |\CtypeIterator type
 oCcolumn_iteratorIterator type for iterating over a column of a matrix
 |\CtypeIterator type
 oCcolumn_wrapperColumn vector wrapper template class
 oCconst_iteratorIterator type for iterating over a vector
 |\CtypeIterator type
 oCconst_iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::column > >Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
 oCconst_iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::row > >Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
 oCconstrained_indexConstrained index
 oCexpr_traitsExpression traits template class
 oCexpr_traits< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > >Expression traits template class partial specialization
 oCexpr_traits< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, shape_t > >Expression traits template class partial specialization
 oCexpr_traits< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, orientation_t > >Expression traits template class partial specialization
 oCiteratorIterator type for iterating over a vector
 |\CtypeIterator type
 oCiterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::column > >Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
 oCiterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::row > >Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
 oClower_triangularLower triangle shape of matrix
 oCmatrixSquare matrix template class
 oCmatrix< value_t, rectangular >General matrix template class
 oCmatrix_expressionMatrix expression template class
 oCproductMatrix product template class
 oCproduct< expression1, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > >Matrix product template class partial specialization
 oCrectangularGeneral shape of matrix
 oCreshape_constraintConstraints for reshape operation template class
 oCreshape_constraint< rectangular >Constraints for reshape operation template class specialization
 oCreshape_errorReshape exception class
 oCreshapedReshaped matrix expression template class
 oCreshaped< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, target_shape, lower_triangular >Partial specialization of reshaped
 oCreshaped< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, target_shape, upper_triangular >Partial specialization of reshaped
 oCrow_const_iteratorIterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
 |\CtypeIterator type
 oCrow_iteratorIterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix
 |\CtypeIterator type
 oCrow_wrapperRow vector wrapper template class
 oCrvalueRepresents an "rvalue"
 oCscaledScaled expression template class
 oCscaled< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > >Scaled expression template class partial specialization
 oCshaped_expressionShaped matrix expression template class
 oCsize_errorArgument size error
 oCsymmetricSymmetric shape of matrix
 oCtemporaryTemporary object template class
 oCtraitsType traits class
 oCtransposedTransposition expression template class
 oCunaryUnary expression template class
 oCunary< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, op >Unary expression template class specialization
 oCupper_triangularUpper triangle shape of matrix
 oCvectorVector template class
 oCvector_expressionVector expression template class
 oCvector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation::column >Vector expression template class specialization
 oCvector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation::row >Vector expression template class specialization
 oCvector_ref< expression_type, tag::expression< complexity >, orientation::column >Constant column reference template class partial specialization
 oCvector_ref< expression_type, tag::expression< complexity >, orientation::row >Constant row reference template class partial specialization
 oCvector_ref< expression_type, tag::reference, orientation::column >Column reference template class partial specialization
 \Cvector_ref< expression_type, tag::reference, orientation::row >Row reference template class partial specialization