NABLA  Nabla Ain't Basic Linear Algebra
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nabla Namespace Reference

Contains matrix and vector template classes and related stuff. More...


namespace  dummy
 Contains dummy entities.
namespace  op
 Contains scalar operations.
namespace  orientation
 Contains definitions for vector orientation types.
namespace  tag
 Contains expression tags.


struct  access_error
 Access error. More...
struct  base_column_iterator
 Base type for column iterators. More...
struct  base_matrix_expression
 Base matrix expression template class. More...
struct  base_matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, rectangular >
 Base matrix expression template class partial specialization. More...
struct  base_row_iterator
 Base type for row iterators. More...
struct  base_vector_iterator
 Base type for vector iterators. More...
class  binary
 Binary expression template class. More...
class  binary< vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op >
 Binary expression template class specialization. More...
struct  column_const_iterator
 Iterator type for iterating over a column of a matrix. More...
struct  column_iterator
 Iterator type for iterating over a column of a matrix. More...
class  column_wrapper
 Column vector wrapper template class. More...
struct  const_iterator
 Iterator type for iterating over a vector. More...
struct  const_iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::column > >
 Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix. More...
struct  const_iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::row > >
 Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix. More...
struct  constrained_index
 Constrained index. More...
class  expr_traits
 Expression traits template class. More...
struct  expr_traits< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > >
 Expression traits template class partial specialization. More...
struct  expr_traits< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, shape_t > >
 Expression traits template class partial specialization. More...
struct  expr_traits< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, orientation_t > >
 Expression traits template class partial specialization. More...
struct  iterator
 Iterator type for iterating over a vector. More...
struct  iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::column > >
 Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix. More...
struct  iterator< vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::row > >
 Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix. More...
struct  lower_triangular
 Lower triangle shape of matrix. More...
class  matrix
 Square matrix template class. More...
class  matrix< value_t, rectangular >
 General matrix template class. More...
struct  matrix_expression
 Matrix expression template class. More...
class  product
 Matrix product template class. More...
class  product< expression1, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > >
 Matrix product template class partial specialization. More...
struct  rectangular
 General shape of matrix. More...
struct  reshape_constraint
 Constraints for reshape operation template class. More...
struct  reshape_constraint< rectangular >
 Constraints for reshape operation template class specialization. More...
struct  reshape_error
 Reshape exception class. More...
class  reshaped
 Reshaped matrix expression template class. More...
class  reshaped< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, target_shape, lower_triangular >
 Partial specialization of reshaped. More...
class  reshaped< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, target_shape, upper_triangular >
 Partial specialization of reshaped. More...
struct  row_const_iterator
 Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix. More...
struct  row_iterator
 Iterator type for iterating over a row of a matrix. More...
class  row_wrapper
 Row vector wrapper template class. More...
struct  rvalue
 Represents an "rvalue". More...
class  scaled
 Scaled expression template class. More...
class  scaled< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > >
 Scaled expression template class partial specialization. More...
struct  shaped_expression
 Shaped matrix expression template class. More...
struct  size_error
 Argument size error. More...
struct  symmetric
 Symmetric shape of matrix. More...
class  temporary
 Temporary object template class. More...
class  traits
 Type traits class. More...
class  transposed
 Transposition expression template class. More...
class  unary
 Unary expression template class. More...
class  unary< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t >, op >
 Unary expression template class specialization. More...
struct  upper_triangular
 Upper triangle shape of matrix. More...
class  vector
 Vector template class. More...
struct  vector_expression
 Vector expression template class. More...
class  vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation::column >
 Vector expression template class specialization. More...
class  vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation::row >
 Vector expression template class specialization. More...
class  vector_ref< expression_type, tag::expression< complexity >, orientation::column >
 Constant column reference template class partial specialization. More...
class  vector_ref< expression_type, tag::expression< complexity >, orientation::row >
 Constant row reference template class partial specialization. More...
class  vector_ref< expression_type, tag::reference, orientation::column >
 Column reference template class partial specialization. More...
class  vector_ref< expression_type, tag::reference, orientation::row >
 Row reference template class partial specialization. More...


typedef lower_triangular lower_tr
 Convenient alias for lower_triangular matrix shape.
typedef upper_triangular upper_tr
 Convenient alias for upper_triangular matrix shape.


template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
iterator< expr_t >::type begin (vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &v, size_t i=0)
 Returns iterator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const_iterator< expr_t >::type begin (const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &v, size_t i=0)
 Returns iterator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
op::mul< value_t, value_t >
sum_of_products (const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &a, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &b)
 Returns sum of products of corresponding elements.
Implementation details
template<typename expr_t >
< rectangular >::first_type 
first_non_zero_in_row (const expr_t &m, size_t row)
 Returns index of the first non zero element in row row.
template<typename expr_t >
< rectangular >::last_type 
last_non_zero_in_row (const expr_t &m, size_t row)
 Returns index of the last non zero element in row row.
template<typename expr_t >
< rectangular >::first_type 
first_non_zero_in_column (const expr_t &m, size_t column)
 Returns index of the first non zero element in column column.
template<typename expr_t >
< rectangular >::last_type 
last_non_zero_in_column (const expr_t &m, size_t column)
 Returns index of the last non zero element in column column.
template<typename expr_t >
orientation::undefined orientation_type (expr_t *)
 Defines orientation type for arbitrary vector.
template<typename type >
rvalue< type > & to_rvalue_ref (type &a)
 Turns a reference into a "reference to rvalue".
template<typename expression_type , typename tag >
< typename expr_traits
< expression_type >::shape >
first_non_zero (const vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::row > &v)
 Returns index of the first non zero element in row reference.
template<typename expression_type , typename tag >
< typename expr_traits
< expression_type >::shape >
last_non_zero (const vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::row > &v)
 Returns index of the last non zero element in row reference.
template<typename expression_type , typename tag >
< typename expr_traits
< expression_type >::shape >
first_non_zero (const vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::column > &v)
 Returns index of the first non zero element in row reference.
template<typename expression_type , typename tag >
< typename expr_traits
< expression_type >::shape >
last_non_zero (const vector_ref< expression_type, tag, orientation::column > &v)
 Returns index of the last non zero element in row reference.
template<typename expr_t >
size_t first_non_zero (const expr_t &)
 Returns index of the first non zero element in vector v.
template<typename expr_t >
size_t last_non_zero (const expr_t &v)
 Returns index of the first non zero element in row row.
template<typename expr1 , typename expr2 >
size_t first_non_zero (const expr1 &a, const expr2 &b)
 Returns index of the first non zero element in both vectors.
template<typename expr1 , typename expr2 >
size_t last_non_zero (const expr1 &a, const expr2 &b)
 Returns index of the last non zero element in both vectors.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
expr_t & get_matrix (matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Returns underlying matrix expression.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const expr_t & get_matrix (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Returns underlying matrix expression.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
expr_t & get_vector (vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Returns underlying vector expression.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const expr_t & get_vector (const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Returns underlying vector expression.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t >
void swap (matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &a, matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &b)
 Swaps contents of two matrices.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename shape >
void swap (shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage, shape > &a, shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage, shape > &b)
 Swaps contents of two matrices.
template<typename target_shape , typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag >, target_shape >
reshape (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Reshapes a matrix expression.
template<typename target_shape , typename side , typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag >, target_shape,
side >::type 
reshape (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Returns underlying matrix expression.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag > >::type 
row (matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a, size_t r)
 Returns reference to a matrix row.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag_t >
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag_t > >::type 
row (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > &a, size_t r)
 Returns reference to a matrix row.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag , typename shape >
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag, shape > >::type 
row (shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &a, size_t r)
 Returns reference to a matrix row.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag_t , typename shape >
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag_t, shape > >::type 
row (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, shape > &a, size_t r)
 Returns reference to a matrix row.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag > >::type 
column (matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a, size_t c)
 Returns reference to a matrix column.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag_t >
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag_t > >::type 
column (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > &a, size_t c)
 Returns reference to a matrix column.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag , typename shape >
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag, shape > >::type 
column (shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &a, size_t c)
 Returns reference to a matrix column.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag_t , typename shape >
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag_t, shape > >::type 
column (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, shape > &a, size_t c)
 Returns reference to a matrix column.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t >
void swap (vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &a, vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &b)
 Swaps contents of two vectors.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 >
void swap (vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &a, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag::storage > &b)
 Swaps contents of two vector expressions.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 , typename orientation >
void swap (vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &a, vector_ref< expr2, tag::reference, orientation > b)
 Swaps contents of two vector expressions.
template<typename expr1 , typename orientation , typename value_t , typename expr2 >
void swap (vector_ref< expr1, tag::reference, orientation > a, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag::storage > &b)
 Swaps contents of two vector expressions.
template<typename expr1 , typename orientation1 , typename expr2 , typename orientation2 >
void swap (vector_ref< expr1, tag::reference, orientation1 > a, vector_ref< expr2, tag::reference, orientation2 > b)
 Swaps contents of two vector expressions.
Matrix operations
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const unary< matrix_expression
< value_t, expr_t, tag >
, op::plus
operator+ (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Unary plus operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag , typename shape >
const unary< shaped_expression
< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape >
, op::plus
operator+ (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &a)
 Unary plus operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const unary< matrix_expression
< value_t, expr_t, tag >
, op::minus
operator- (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Unary minus operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag , typename shape >
const unary< shaped_expression
< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape >
, op::minus
operator- (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &a)
 Unary minus operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const unary< matrix_expression
< value_t, expr_t, tag >
, op::conj
conj (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Returns conjugated matrix.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag , typename shape >
const unary< shaped_expression
< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape >
, op::conj
conj (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &a)
 Returns conjugated matrix.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const transposed
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag > > 
transpose (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Returns transposed matrix.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag , typename shape >
const transposed
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag, shape > > 
transpose (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &a)
 Returns transposed matrix.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const expr_t & transpose (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, symmetric > &a)
 Returns transposed matrix.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const reshaped
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag, lower_triangular >
, upper_triangular,
transpose (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, lower_triangular > &a)
 Returns transposed matrix.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const reshaped
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag, upper_triangular >
, lower_triangular,
transpose (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, upper_triangular > &a)
 Returns transposed matrix.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const scaled
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag > > 
operator* (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a, const typename expr_t::value_type &s)
 Binary multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag , typename shape >
const scaled
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag, shape > > 
operator* (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &a, const typename expr_t::value_type &s)
 Binary multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const scaled
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag > > 
operator* (const typename expr_t::value_type &s, const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Binary multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag , typename shape >
const scaled
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag, shape > > 
operator* (const typename expr_t::value_type &s, const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &a)
 Binary multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
const binary
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1 >
, matrix_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 >, op::add
operator+ (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &left, const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Binary addition operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename shape1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 , typename shape2 >
const binary
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1, shape1 >
, shaped_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2, shape1 >, op::add
operator+ (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 > &left, const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > &right)
 Binary addition operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
const binary
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1 >
, matrix_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 >, op::sub
operator- (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &left, const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Binary subtraction operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename shape1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 , typename shape2 >
const binary
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1, shape1 >
, shaped_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2, shape2 >, op::sub
operator- (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 > &left, const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > &right)
 Binary subtraction operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
const binary
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1 >
, matrix_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 >, op::mul
mul (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &left, const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Binary element-wise multiplication operation.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename shape1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 , typename shape2 >
const binary
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1, shape1 >
, shaped_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2, shape2 >, op::mul
mul (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 > &left, const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > &right)
 Binary element-wise multiplication operation.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
const binary
< matrix_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1 >
, matrix_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 >, op::div
div (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &left, const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Binary element-wise multiplication operation.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename shape1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 , typename shape2 >
const binary
< shaped_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1, shape1 >
, shaped_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2, shape2 >, op::div
div (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 > &left, const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > &right)
 Binary element-wise multiplication operation.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
product< matrix_expression
< value_t, expr1, tag1 >
, matrix_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 > > 
operator* (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &left, const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Binary matrix multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename shape1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 , typename shape2 >
product< shaped_expression
< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 >
, shaped_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2, shape2 > > 
operator* (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 > &left, const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > &right)
 Binary matrix multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
product< matrix_expression
< value_t, expr1, tag1 >
, vector_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 > > 
operator* (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &left, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, orientation::column > &right)
 Binary matrix-vector multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename shape , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
product< shaped_expression
< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape >
, vector_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 > > 
operator* (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape > &left, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, orientation::column > &right)
 Binary matrix-vector multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
product< matrix_expression
< value_t, expr1, tag1 >
, vector_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 > > 
map (const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &linear_map, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &v)
 Transforms a vector using provided transformation map.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename shape , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
product< shaped_expression
< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape >
, vector_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 > > 
map (const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape > &linear_map, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &v)
 Transforms a vector using provided transformation map.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator+= (matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &left, const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Matrix addition assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename shape , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator+= (shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage, shape > &left, const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape > &right)
 Matrix addition assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator-= (matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &left, const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Matrix subtraction assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename shape , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator-= (shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage, shape > &left, const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape > &right)
 Matrix subtraction assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t >
expr_t & operator*= (matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &left, const value_t &right)
 Matrix multiplication assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename shape >
expr_t & operator*= (shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage, shape > &left, const value_t &right)
 Matrix multiplication assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator*= (matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &left, const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Matrix multiplication assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator*= (shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage, lower_triangular > &left, const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, lower_triangular > &right)
 Matrix multiplication assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator*= (shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage, upper_triangular > &left, const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, upper_triangular > &right)
 Matrix multiplication assignment operator.
Vector operations
template<template< typename, typename > class op, typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
op< value_t, value_t >::result_type accumulate (const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &a, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &b)
 Accumulates combined values of two vectors.
template<template< typename, typename > class op_t, typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
op_t< value_t, value_t >
accumulate_skip_zeros (const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &a, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &b)
 Accumulates combined values of two vectors.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
util::mul_conj< value_t,
value_t >::result_type 
dot_product (const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &v1, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &v2)
 Dot product is a sum of products of corresponding elements of first vector and conjugated elements of the second one:
template<template< typename > class op, typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
op< value_t >::result_type accumulate (const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Accumulates modified values of a vector.
template<template< typename > class op_t, typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
op_t< value_t >::result_type accumulate_skip_zeros (const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Accumulates combined values of two vectors.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
value_t sqrnorm (const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &v)
 Returns squared Euclidean norm of a vector.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
value_t norm (const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &v)
 Returns Euclidean norm of a vector.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const unary< vector_expression
< value_t, expr_t, tag >
, op::plus
operator+ (const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Unary plus operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const unary< vector_expression
< value_t, expr_t, tag >
, op::minus
operator- (const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Unary minus operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const unary< vector_expression
< value_t, expr_t, tag >
, op::conj
conj (const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Returns conjugated vector.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const scaled
< vector_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag > > 
operator* (const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a, const typename expr_t::value_type &s)
 Binary multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t , typename tag >
const scaled
< vector_expression< value_t,
expr_t, tag > > 
operator* (const typename expr_t::value_type &s, const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &a)
 Binary multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
const binary
< vector_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1 >
, vector_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 >, op::add
operator+ (const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &left, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Binary addition operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
const binary
< vector_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1 >
, vector_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 >, op::sub
operator- (const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &left, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Binary subtraction operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
const binary
< vector_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1 >
, vector_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 >, op::mul
mul (const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &left, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Binary element-wise multiplication operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename tag1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
const binary
< vector_expression< value_t,
expr1, tag1 >
, vector_expression< value_t,
expr2, tag2 >, op::div
div (const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &left, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Binary element-wise division operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator+= (vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &left, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Vector addition assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator+= (vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::reference > &left, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Vector addition assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator-= (vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &left, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Vector subtraction assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr1 , typename expr2 , typename tag2 >
expr1 & operator-= (vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::reference > &left, const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &right)
 Vector subtraction assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t >
expr_t & operator*= (vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &left, const value_t &right)
 Vector multiplication assignment operator.
template<typename value_t , typename expr_t >
expr_t & operator*= (vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::reference > &left, const value_t &right)
 Vector multiplication assignment operator.

Detailed Description

Contains matrix and vector template classes and related stuff.

Function Documentation

op<value_t, value_t>::result_type nabla::accumulate ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  a,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  b 

Accumulates combined values of two vectors.

This is a helper function provided as implementation detail. In terms of this function some library operations are defined.

For example to compute sum of products of corresponding elements of vectors v1 and v2 one can write:

sum = accumulate<op::mul>(v1, v2);

Here op::mul is a template containing needed operation.

This function uses traits<value_t>::zero.

Definition at line 4618 of file matrix.h.

References begin(), and get_vector().

op<value_t>::result_type nabla::accumulate ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Accumulates modified values of a vector.

This is a helper function provided as implementation detail. In terms of this function some library operations are defined.

The usage is as follows: For example to compute sum of conjugated elements of vector v one can write:

sum = accumulate<op::conj>(v);

Here op::conj is a template containing needed operation.

This function uses traits<value_t>::zero.

Definition at line 5290 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

op_t<value_t, value_t>::result_type nabla::accumulate_skip_zeros ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  a,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  b 

Accumulates combined values of two vectors.

This is a helper function provided as implementation detail. In terms of this function some library operations are defined.

For example to compute sum of products of corresponding elements of vectors v1 and v2 one can write:

sum = accumulate<op::mul>(v1, v2);

Here op::mul is a template containing needed operation.

This function uses traits<value_t>::zero.

Definition at line 4638 of file matrix.h.

References begin(), first_non_zero(), get_vector(), and last_non_zero().

op_t<value_t>::result_type nabla::accumulate_skip_zeros ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Accumulates combined values of two vectors.

This is a helper function provided as implementation detail. In terms of this function some library operations are defined.

For example to compute sum of products of corresponding elements of vectors v1 and v2 one can write:

sum = accumulate<op::mul>(v1, v2);

Here op::mul is a template containing needed operation.

This function uses traits<value_t>::zero.

Definition at line 5302 of file matrix.h.

References begin(), first_non_zero(), vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector(), and last_non_zero().

iterator<expr_t>::type nabla::begin ( vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  v,
size_t  i = 0 

Returns iterator.

This is an internal helper function.

Definition at line 1823 of file matrix.h.

References get_vector().

const_iterator<expr_t>::type nabla::begin ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  v,
size_t  i = 0 

Returns iterator.

This is an internal helper function.

Definition at line 1828 of file matrix.h.

References get_vector().

util::column_ref<matrix_expression<value_t, expr_t, tag> >::type nabla::column ( matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a,
size_t  c 

Returns reference to a matrix column.

See Also
vector_ref, matrix_expression

Definition at line 4525 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

util::const_column_ref<matrix_expression<value_t, expr_t, tag_t> >::type nabla::column ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > &  a,
size_t  c 

Returns reference to a matrix column.

See Also
vector_ref, matrix_expression

Definition at line 4535 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

util::column_ref<shaped_expression<value_t, expr_t, tag, shape> >::type nabla::column ( shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &  a,
size_t  c 

Returns reference to a matrix column.

See Also
vector_ref, shaped_expression

Definition at line 4545 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

util::const_column_ref<shaped_expression<value_t, expr_t, tag_t, shape> >::type nabla::column ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, shape > &  a,
size_t  c 

Returns reference to a matrix column.

See Also
vector_ref, shaped_expression

Definition at line 4555 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const unary< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, op::conj > conj ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Returns conjugated matrix.

This function returns an expression which represents conjugated matrix, i.e. a matrix with conjugated corresponding elements.

For real valued matrices it just returns a constant reference to the argument, i.e. it actually does nothing.

For some important details check out Using complex types.

conj(m): algorithmic complexity of this operation is constant (i.e. O(1)).

By convention the resulting expression has complexity of its subexpression.

Definition at line 3921 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const unary< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape >, op::conj > conj ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &  a)

Returns conjugated matrix.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Definition at line 3929 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const unary< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, op::conj > conj ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Returns conjugated vector.

This function returns an expression which represents conjugated vector, i.e. a vector with conjugated corresponding elements.

For real valued vectors it just returns a constant reference to the argument, i.e. it actually does nothing.

For some important details check out Using complex types.

conj(v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is constant (i.e. O(1)).

By convention the resulting expression has complexity of its subexpression.

Definition at line 5466 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

const binary< matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op::div > div ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  left,
const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Binary element-wise multiplication operation.

This operation produces a matrix containing quotients of corresponding elements of argument matrices:
m(i, j) = left(i, j)/right(i, j) for each i and j.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

mul(m, m): algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e. O(n2)).

Definition at line 4295 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const binary< shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 >, shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 >, op::div > div ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 > &  left,
const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > &  right 

Binary element-wise multiplication operation.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

Definition at line 4308 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const binary< vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op::div > div ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  left,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Binary element-wise division operator.

Sizes of argument vectors must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

div(v, v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5646 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

util::mul_conj< value_t, value_t >::result_type dot_product ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  v1,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  v2 

Dot product is a sum of products of corresponding elements of first vector and conjugated elements of the second one:

sum = 0;
for each i
sum = sum + v1[i]*conj(v2[i]);
dot_product = sum;

It may be referred to as "scalar product" in other sources.

size_errorthrown if argument vectors have different sizes.

Sizes of argument vectors must be equal. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

For some important details check out Using complex types.

This function uses traits<value_t>::zero.
dot_product(v, v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).
See Also
norm(), sum_of_products()

Definition at line 5272 of file matrix.h.

expr_t & get_matrix ( matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Returns underlying matrix expression.

This template function deduces the actual type of the underlying matrix expression and returns a reference to it. This scheme is called Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.

Definition at line 1498 of file matrix.h.

const expr_t & get_matrix ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Returns underlying matrix expression.

This template function deduces the actual type of the underlying matrix expression and returns a reference to it. This scheme is called Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.

Definition at line 1506 of file matrix.h.

expr_t & get_vector ( vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Returns underlying vector expression.

This template function deduces the actual type of the underlying vector expression and returns a reference to it. This scheme is called Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.

Definition at line 1974 of file matrix.h.

const expr_t & get_vector ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Returns underlying vector expression.

This template function deduces the actual type of the underlying vector expression and returns a reference to it. This scheme is called Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.

Definition at line 1982 of file matrix.h.

product< matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > > map ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  linear_map,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  v 

Transforms a vector using provided transformation map.

Number of columns of the matrix linear_map and size of the vector v must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

The vector is mapped the following way:

for each i
{ mapped[i] = 0;
for each j
mapped[i] += linear_map[i][j]*v[j]; }

That is, the number of rows of the matrix representing linear map is the dimension of space the resulting vector (mapped) belongs to.

This function preserves vector orientation, that is the orientation of the resulting vector expression is the same as that of the source vector.

This operation is analogous to matrix-vector multiplication.

map(m, v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e. O(n2)).

Definition at line 4965 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix(), and vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

product< shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > > map ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape > &  linear_map,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  v 

Transforms a vector using provided transformation map.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Number of columns of the matrix linear_map and size of the vector v must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

Definition at line 4978 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix(), and vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

const binary< matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op::mul > mul ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  left,
const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Binary element-wise multiplication operation.

This operation produces a matrix containing products of corresponding elements of argument matrices:
m(i, j) = left(i, j)*right(i, j) for each i and j.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

mul(m, m): algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e. O(n2)).

Definition at line 4265 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const binary< shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 >, shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 >, op::mul > mul ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 > &  left,
const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > &  right 

Binary element-wise multiplication operation.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

Definition at line 4278 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const binary< vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op::mul > mul ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  left,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Binary element-wise multiplication operator.

Sizes of argument vectors must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

mul(v, v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5633 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

value_t norm ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  v)

Returns Euclidean norm of a vector.

Euclidean norm of a vector is a square root of the sum of products of corresponding elements and their conjugates:

sum = 0;
for each i
sum = sum + v[i]*conj(v[i]);
norm = sqrt(sum);

It is equivalent to the square root of dot product of a vector and itself

sqrt(dot_product(v, v))

For some important details check out Using complex types.

By the way this entity uses sqrt() function to find the square root. It must be defined for the value_t type in order to use this operation.

This function uses traits<value_t>::zero.
norm(v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).
See Also
dot_product(), sum_of_products(), sqrnorm()

Definition at line 5389 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::sqrnorm().

const scaled< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > > operator* ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a,
const typename expr_t::value_type &  s 

Binary multiplication operator.

m*s: algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e.


Definition at line 4081 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const scaled< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > > operator* ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &  a,
const typename expr_t::value_type &  s 

Binary multiplication operator.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Definition at line 4089 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const scaled< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > > operator* ( const typename expr_t::value_type &  s,
const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a 

Binary multiplication operator.

s*m: algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e.


Definition at line 4098 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const scaled< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > > operator* ( const typename expr_t::value_type &  s,
const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &  a 

Binary multiplication operator.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Definition at line 4106 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

product< matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > > operator* ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  left,
const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Binary matrix multiplication operator.

Number of columns of the first matrix left and number of rows of the second matrix right must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

m*m: algorithmic complexity of this operation is cubic (i.e. O(n3)).

Definition at line 4833 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

product< shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 >, shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > > operator* ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 > &  left,
const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > &  right 

Binary matrix multiplication operator.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

Note that a product of two upper or lower triangular matrices has respective shape. Any other combination of shapes produces rectangular matrix, including a product of two symmetric matrices.

Definition at line 4850 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

product< matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > > operator* ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  left,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, orientation::column > &  right 

Binary matrix-vector multiplication operator.

Number of columns of the matrix left and size of the vector right must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

This operation is analogous to map().

m*v: algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e. O(n2)).

Definition at line 4925 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix(), and vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

product< shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > > operator* ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape > &  left,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, orientation::column > &  right 

Binary matrix-vector multiplication operator.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Number of columns of the matrix left and size of the vector right must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

Definition at line 4938 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix(), and vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

const scaled< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > > operator* ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a,
const typename expr_t::value_type &  s 

Binary multiplication operator.

v*s: algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e.


Definition at line 5514 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

const scaled< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > > operator* ( const typename expr_t::value_type &  s,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a 

Binary multiplication operator.

s*v: algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e.


Definition at line 5523 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

expr_t & operator*= ( matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &  left,
const value_t &  right 

Matrix multiplication assignment operator.

m *= s: algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e.


Definition at line 5048 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

expr_t & operator*= ( shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage, shape > &  left,
const value_t &  right 

Matrix multiplication assignment operator.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Definition at line 5066 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

expr1 & operator*= ( matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &  left,
const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Matrix multiplication assignment operator.

Number of columns of the first matrix and number of rows of the second matrix must be equal. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

m *= m: algorithmic complexity of this operation is cubic (i.e. O(n3)).

Definition at line 5082 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

expr1 & operator*= ( shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage, lower_triangular > &  left,
const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, lower_triangular > &  right 

Matrix multiplication assignment operator.

This is an overload for lower triangular matrix expressions.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

Definition at line 5097 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

expr1 & operator*= ( shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage, upper_triangular > &  left,
const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, upper_triangular > &  right 

Matrix multiplication assignment operator.

This is an overload for upper triangular matrix expressions.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

Definition at line 5112 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

expr_t & operator*= ( vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &  left,
const value_t &  right 

Vector multiplication assignment operator.

v *= s: algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e.


Definition at line 5751 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

expr_t & operator*= ( vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::reference > &  left,
const value_t &  right 

Vector multiplication assignment operator.

This function is provided for convenience.

This function performs multiplication assignment element by element in a cycle.

v *= s: algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5764 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

const unary< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, op::plus > operator+ ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Unary plus operator.

+m: algorithmic complexity of this operation is constant (i.e.


By convention the resulting expression has complexity of its subexpression.

Definition at line 3876 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const unary< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape >, op::plus > operator+ ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &  a)

Unary plus operator.

This overload is for shaped matrix expressions.

Definition at line 3884 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const binary< matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op::add > operator+ ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  left,
const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Binary addition operator.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

m + m: algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e. O(n2)).

Definition at line 4209 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const binary< shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 >, shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape1 >, op::add > operator+ ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 > &  left,
const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > &  right 

Binary addition operator.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

Definition at line 4222 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const unary< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, op::plus > operator+ ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Unary plus operator.

+v: algorithmic complexity of this operation is constant (i.e.


By convention the resulting expression has complexity of its subexpression.

Definition at line 5437 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

const binary< vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op::add > operator+ ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  left,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Binary addition operator.

Sizes of argument vectors must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

v + v: algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5607 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

expr1 & operator+= ( matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &  left,
const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Matrix addition assignment operator.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

m += m: algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e. O(n2)).

Definition at line 4989 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

expr1 & operator+= ( shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage, shape > &  left,
const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape > &  right 

Matrix addition assignment operator.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

Definition at line 5004 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

expr1 & operator+= ( vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &  left,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Vector addition assignment operator.

Sizes of argument vectors must be equal. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

v += v: algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5657 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

expr1 & operator+= ( vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::reference > &  left,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Vector addition assignment operator.

This function is provided for convenience.

This function performs addition assignment element by element in a cycle.

For efficiency reasons this function does not check sizes of argument vectors for equality and does not throw an exception in case sizes are different. It only makes an assertion in debug configuration.

v += v: algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5678 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

const unary< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, op::minus > operator- ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Unary minus operator.

-m: algorithmic complexity of this operation is constant (i.e.


By convention the resulting expression has complexity of its subexpression.

Definition at line 3895 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const unary< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape >, op::minus > operator- ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &  a)

Unary minus operator.

This overload is for shaped matrix expressions.

Definition at line 3903 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const binary< matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op::sub > operator- ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  left,
const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Binary subtraction operator.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

m - m: algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e. O(n2)).

Definition at line 4235 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const binary< shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 >, shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 >, op::sub > operator- ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1, shape1 > &  left,
const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape2 > &  right 

Binary subtraction operator.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

Definition at line 4248 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const unary< vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, op::minus > operator- ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Unary minus operator.

-v: algorithmic complexity of this operation is constant (i.e.


By convention the resulting expression has complexity of its subexpression.

Definition at line 5448 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

const binary< vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 >, vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 >, op::sub > operator- ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  left,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Binary subtraction operator.

Sizes of argument vectors must be equal. Otherwise an exception (size_error) is thrown.

v - v: algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5620 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

expr1 & operator-= ( matrix_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &  left,
const matrix_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Matrix subtraction assignment operator.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

m -= m: algorithmic complexity of this operation is square (i.e. O(n2)).

Definition at line 5019 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

expr1 & operator-= ( shaped_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage, shape > &  left,
const shaped_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2, shape > &  right 

Matrix subtraction assignment operator.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Sizes of argument matrices must be equal. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

Definition at line 5034 of file matrix.h.

References matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::get_matrix().

expr1 & operator-= ( vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &  left,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Vector subtraction assignment operator.

Sizes of argument vectors must be equal. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

v -= v: algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5697 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

expr1 & operator-= ( vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::reference > &  left,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  right 

Vector subtraction assignment operator.

This function is provided for convenience.

This function performs subtraction assignment element by element in a cycle.

For efficiency reasons this function does not check sizes of argument vectors for equality and does not throw an exception in case sizes are different. It only makes an assertion in debug configuration.

v -= v: algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5718 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

orientation::undefined nabla::orientation_type ( expr_t *  )

Defines orientation type for arbitrary vector.

This template function is an implementation detail.

Definition at line 1890 of file matrix.h.

References column().

util::reshape_return< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >, target_shape >::type reshape ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Reshapes a matrix expression.

This function returns an expression (of type reshaped) with specified shape. The returned expression refers to a the way if it were an expression of specified shape.

Like standard C++ dynamic_cast this cast operation performs runtime check (see documentation for reshape_constraint) and, if requirements of the target shape are not met, raises an exception (of type reshape_error).

Initially reshape makes sense only for predefined (by the library) shapes. To make it work with user shapes one need to specialize reshaped template class.

reshape<rectangular>(a) does not reshape an expression, it has the same effect as

For target shapes other than rectangular the upper triangle (super diagonal) part is taken into account by default. This means that if you reshape a matrix to, say, a symmetric matrix, then resulting matrix consists of mirrored upper triangle part of the original matrix.

While the default is to use upper triangle part of the matrix, one may want to use the counter part. You can choose what side of the original matrix to use in resulting matrix using reshape<shape, side>() form. For example:

//L contains sub diagonal elements of 'm'
L = reshape<lower_tr, lower_tr>(m);
//U contains super diagonal elements of 'm'
U = reshape<upper_tr, upper_tr>(m);
reshape<shape_id>(m): algorithmic complexity of this operation is constant (i.e. O(1)).
See Also

Definition at line 3718 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix(), and reshape_constraint< target_shape >::test().

util::reshape_return<matrix_expression<value_t, expr_t, tag>, target_shape, side>::type nabla::reshape ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Returns underlying matrix expression.

This template function deduces the actual type of the underlying matrix expression and returns a reference to it. This scheme is called Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.

Definition at line 3727 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix(), and reshape_constraint< target_shape >::test().

util::row_ref<matrix_expression<value_t, expr_t, tag> >::type nabla::row ( matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a,
size_t  r 

Returns reference to a matrix row.

See Also
vector_ref, matrix_expression

Definition at line 4485 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

util::const_row_ref<matrix_expression<value_t, expr_t, tag_t> >::type nabla::row ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t > &  a,
size_t  r 

Returns reference to a matrix row.

See Also
vector_ref, matrix_expression

Definition at line 4495 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

util::row_ref<shaped_expression<value_t, expr_t, tag, shape> >::type nabla::row ( shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &  a,
size_t  r 

Returns reference to a matrix row.

See Also
vector_ref, shaped_expression

Definition at line 4505 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

util::const_row_ref<shaped_expression<value_t, expr_t, tag_t, shape> >::type nabla::row ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag_t, shape > &  a,
size_t  r 

Returns reference to a matrix row.

See Also
vector_ref, shaped_expression

Definition at line 4515 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

value_t sqrnorm ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  v)

Returns squared Euclidean norm of a vector.

Euclidean norm of a vector is a square root of the sum of products of corresponding elements and their conjugates. This function performs:

sum = 0;
for each i
sum = sum + v[i]*conj(v[i]);
sqrnorm = sum;

Note that this function returns squared Euclidean norm, that is |v|2.

It is equivalent to the dot product of a vector and itself

For some important details check out Using complex types.

This function uses traits<value_t>::zero.
sqrnorm(v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).
See Also
norm(), dot_product(), sum_of_products()

Definition at line 5364 of file matrix.h.

op::mul< value_t, value_t >::result_type sum_of_products ( const vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag1 > &  a,
const vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag2 > &  b 

Returns sum of products of corresponding elements.

This function performs a convenient operation – it computes a sum of products of corresponding elements of two vectors:

sum = 0;
for each i
sum = sum + v1[i]*v2[i];

For efficiency reasons this function does not check sizes of argument vectors for equality and does not throw an exception in case sizes are different. It only makes an assertion in debug configuration.

This function uses traits<value_t>::zero.
sum_of_products(v, v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).
See Also
dot_product(), norm()

Definition at line 4680 of file matrix.h.

void swap ( matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &  a,
matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &  b 

Swaps contents of two matrices.

This template function handles all matrix expressions with storage tag. Such expressions are meant to be storage types and by definition provide efficient swap operation.

The actual effect of this function is


This function is not meant to throw any exceptions.

Definition at line 3263 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

void swap ( shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage, shape > &  a,
shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage, shape > &  b 

Swaps contents of two matrices.

This template function handles all shaped matrix expressions with storage tag. Such expressions are meant to be storage types and by definition provide efficient swap operation.

The actual effect of this function is


This function is not meant to throw any exceptions.

Definition at line 3278 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

void swap ( vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &  a,
vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag::storage > &  b 

Swaps contents of two vectors.

This template function handles all vector expressions with storage tag. Such expressions are meant to be storage types and by definition provide efficient swap operation.

The actual effect of this function is


This function is not meant to throw any exceptions.

Definition at line 5135 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

void swap ( vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &  a,
vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag::storage > &  b 

Swaps contents of two vector expressions.

This function is provided for convenience.

This function swaps contents of two vector expressions with storage tag. Such expressions are meant to be storage types.

This function does not actually swaps objects' storages or the like. Rather it swaps contents in the following manner:

temp = a;
a = b;
swap(b, temp);
Due to construction of temporary object temp and assignment operation involved this function may throw an exception.
swap(v, v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5158 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector(), and matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag >::swap().

void swap ( vector_expression< value_t, expr1, tag::storage > &  a,
vector_ref< expr2, tag::reference, orientation >  b 

Swaps contents of two vector expressions.

This function is provided for convenience.

This function swaps contents of two vector expressions element by element in a cycle.

This function does not actually swaps objects' storages or the like. Rather it swaps contents element by element in a cycle like this:

for each i
swap(a(i), b(i));
Since vectors can not be resized this function swaps only the first elements, that is min(a.size(), b.size()) elements.

Thus this function is not meant to throw any exceptions.

swap(v, v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5205 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

void swap ( vector_ref< expr1, tag::reference, orientation >  a,
vector_expression< value_t, expr2, tag::storage > &  b 

Swaps contents of two vector expressions.

This function is provided for convenience.This function swaps contents of two vector expressions element by element in a cycle.This function does not actually swaps objects' storages or the like. Rather it swaps contents element by element in a cycle like this:

for each i
swap(a(i), b(i));
Since vectors can not be resized this function swaps only the first elements, that is min(a.size(), b.size()) elements.

Thus this function is not meant to throw any exceptions.

swap(v, v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5216 of file matrix.h.

References vector_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, orientation >::get_vector().

void swap ( vector_ref< expr1, tag::reference, orientation1 >  a,
vector_ref< expr2, tag::reference, orientation2 >  b 

Swaps contents of two vector expressions.

This function is provided for convenience.This function swaps contents of two vector expressions element by element in a cycle.This function does not actually swaps objects' storages or the like. Rather it swaps contents element by element in a cycle like this:

for each i
swap(a(i), b(i));
Since vectors can not be resized this function swaps only the first elements, that is min(a.size(), b.size()) elements.

Thus this function is not meant to throw any exceptions.

swap(v, v): algorithmic complexity of this operation is linear (i.e. O(n)).

Definition at line 5227 of file matrix.h.

rvalue<type>& nabla::to_rvalue_ref ( type &  a)

Turns a reference into a "reference to rvalue".

Explicitly turns a reference type& into a "reference to rvalue" rvalue<type>&.

Definition at line 2282 of file matrix.h.

const transposed< matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > > transpose ( const matrix_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag > &  a)

Returns transposed matrix.

transpose(m): algorithmic complexity of this operation is constant (i.e.


By convention the resulting expression has complexity of its subexpression.

Definition at line 3982 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const transposed< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > > transpose ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, shape > &  a)

Returns transposed matrix.

This is an overload for shaped matrix expressions.

Definition at line 3990 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const expr_t & transpose ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, symmetric > &  a)

Returns transposed matrix.

This is an overload for symmetric matrix expressions.

Since a transposed symmetric matrix is itself (A==AT) this function returns a reference to the argument. The equivalent effect is

Definition at line 4002 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const reshaped< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, lower_triangular >, upper_triangular, lower_triangular > transpose ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, lower_triangular > &  a)

Returns transposed matrix.

This is an overload for lower triangular matrix expressions.

Since a transposed lower triangular matrix is an upper triangular one this function returnes reshaped expression. The equivalent effect is

reshape<upper_tr, lower_tr>(a);

Definition at line 4015 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().

const reshaped< shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, upper_triangular >, lower_triangular, upper_triangular > transpose ( const shaped_expression< value_t, expr_t, tag, upper_triangular > &  a)

Returns transposed matrix.

This is an overload for upper triangular matrix expressions.

Since a transposed upper triangular matrix is a lower triangular one this function returnes reshaped expression. The equivalent effect is

reshape<lower_tr, upper_tr>(a);

Definition at line 4028 of file matrix.h.

References get_matrix().